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If the skin on your face is sagging, lax, or wrinkled, long-lasting anti-aging solutions are available at Aesthetic Surgery Centre & Medical Spa in Puyallup, Tacoma, and Federal Way, Washington. The outstanding plastic surgeons offer MyEllevate® Facial Rejuvenation in Tacoma and other facial services like customized face-lifts to rejuvenate your skin and give you a more youthful look. Call the office to schedule a consultation, or use the online booking tab today.

One of the simplest cosmetic procedures that creates the most dramatic change to your appearance is correcting sagging skin along your jawline. As you age, even people with the most defined chin and jaw can experience a lack of elasticity and the development of fat underneath their chin. A facelift or neck lift can tighten the skin and remove the fat, but not everyone is ready for invasive surgery.

MyEllevate® in Tacoma can produce many of the same results through a non-invasive procedure with little downtime and long-lasting results. This treatment rejuvenates your jawline and neck and can help you regain and restore a more defined, youthful appearance.

How Can MyEllevate® Help Me?

The MyEllevate procedure is designed to lift and tighten sagging tissue without using an incision or cutting into your skin. Instead, your experienced plastic surgeon uses ICLED®, a light-guided system that places sutures to the correct depth and direction. Without opening the skin, your physician weaves the suture through the underlying tissue to create a sculpted jawline. MyEllevate is a non-surgical neck lift that typically causes less pain and costs much less than an invasive surgical procedure.

MyEllevate is performed as an outpatient using local anesthesia to reduce any discomfort. Once the suture is in place, your surgeon ties it off to support the muscle and tissue in a defined jawline. MyEllevate can be done independently or in combination with other treatments, such as liposuction, in Tacoma, Puyallup, and Federal Way. It takes about an hour.

Am I a Good Candidate for MyEllevate®?

Excellent candidates for MyEllevate in Tacoma, Puyallup, and Federal Way are people experiencing visible signs of early aging or have excess fullness under or along their jawline. They are generally healthy and have all underlying medical conditions under control. It is crucial to eliminate nicotine since any nicotine delivery system impairs collagen production and significantly advances the visible signs of aging.

Men and women with muscle bands along their neck, minimal skin laxity, or sagging glands will find the results attractive and improve their youthful appearance. While MyEllevate can sometimes be confused with a thread lift, since both use sutures, the MyEllevate procedure lasts indefinitely, while a thread lift is typically temporary.

What To Expect During Recovery

Men and women in Tacoma, Puyallup, and Federal Way who undergo a MyEllevate procedure can expect some bruising and swelling around their jaw and neck. This often appears within the first 12 hours after the procedure. Our experienced plastic surgeons will give you instructions on how to care for these areas and recover quickly.

Following these instructions is essential for reducing the risk of infection and achieving the best possible results. Generally, your doctor will advise you to take a few days to rest, even if you feel fine.

Depending on the extent of your procedure, you may need to wear a soft neck collar for roughly 10 days. This collar gently compresses and supports the area as it heals and can help reduce the amount of swelling you experience. You will see immediate effects after the procedure and even more improved results after the swelling and bruising heal. You should feel recovered and be able to resume normal activities within four days.

Call Today To Schedule Your Consultation for MyEllevate® in Tacoma

When you have cosmetic concerns, speak with experienced plastic surgeons who can answer your questions and recommend procedures that will best meet your aesthetic goals. While there is no one-size-fits-all cosmetic procedure—including MyEllevate in Tacoma—years of performing cosmetic procedures have given our plastic surgeons the understanding you need to help you look and feel your best.

MyEllevate is only one of several neck rejuvenation options that we offer. Call today to schedule your consultation with a skilled surgeon so you can get your questions answered and start on your journey.

MyEllevate® Facial Rejuvenation Q&A

What is MyEllevate Facial Rejuvenation?

MyEllevate Facial Rejuvenation, known as a Zoom Lift, is a minimally invasive procedure using an ICLED® light-guided suture system to place a lattice of interconnected supportive sutures under the skin and above the muscle.

Sutures are inserted by a small probe (from behind the ear) — they lift and tighten the area around the jawline and neck. This support network gives the skin an immediate and visible boost.

MyEllevate can be ideal for women and men in Tacoma, Federal Way, and Puyallup who want to enhance jawline definition but aren’t interested in undergoing more invasive surgery.

What Is the Difference Between MyEllevate and a Face-Lift?

A face-lift is a surgical procedure typically requiring general anesthesia and 14 days of recovery. MyEllevate is a nonsurgical treatment that only requires local anesthesia and minimal downtime.

If you’re hoping for a defined, sculpted jawline, schedule a consultation with the Aesthetic Surgery Centre & Medical Spa team.

Why Would I Need MyEllevate Facial Rejuvenation?

Ideal candidates for MyEllevate are adults in good health and without any history of clotting or bleeding problems. You may want to consider the procedure if:

  • You have saggy jowls
  • You have skin laxity underneath the chin
  • You don’t smoke or use tobacco products
  • You want long-lasting results (3-5 years or more)

If you have loose, sagging skin around your jaw and neck that MyEllevate® cannot address by itself, combining it with the mini face-lift might be the solution to achieving the desired results.

Is MyEllevate Facial Rejuvenation Right for Me?

The Aesthetic Surgery Centre & Medical Spa team has many years of experience. In addition to facial rejuvenation using MyEllevate, the team also offers a full range of services, regimens, and treatment plans that can be customized to each person’s personalized needs and beauty goals.

MyEllevate can be combined with a variety of other procedures to address your concerns, such as:

Consult with the Aesthetic Surgery Centre & Medical Spa team about what procedures you can combine with MyEllevate® to target your particular areas of concern.