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Will I Lose Core Mobility After Having A Tummy Tuck?

Once a tummy tuck with muscle repair is fully healed does the patient gain full mobility back or will it be less flexible for the rest of their life…

Question: Once a tummy tuck with muscle repair is fully healed does the patient gain full mobility back or will it be less flexible for the rest of their life?

Answer: Tummy-tuck/abdominoplasty, rectus diastasis/muscle repair, core strength/mobility.

The long-term rectus diastasis (muscle repair) repair should not affect your core strength or mobility negatively. I recommend that my patients not engage the core for a minimum of eight weeks after this surgery. This is to protect the repair during initial healing. After the resting period, patients can gradually increase their core workout. Obviously, it will take some time until you return to your baseline but it should be achievable. Some patients with significant rectus diastasis might actually be able to achieve increased core strength after repair. I hope this answers your question.